
Do you want to know who you really are? Do you want to live a more fulfilling, meaningful life? Monica’s meditation class helps guide you on a journey of self-realization. Her class has helped me establish a more regular meditation practice which in turn has brought me more joy and less stress. Learning to quiet the mind is not easy unless you have a brilliant teacher who gives you techniques and tools to get the most out of present moment awareness. i have thoroughly enjoyed the class and gaining beautiful information to help me live a more balanced, authentic life.

Christine C.

During the last year, I participated in two different seven-week yoga sessions that were led by Monica. While we were focused on the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, we also had much meditation time interspersed in each session. Although I am 57 years old and in relatively good physical shape, I was a yoga rookie, and I did not know what I was missing! I found Monica’s teaching to be inspirational, relaxing, and encompassing just the right amount of “work”, i.e. stretching and aerobic. Monica, who always has a smile on her face and is the essence of calm, did a fantastic job of explaining what we were doing, and why we were doing it! I continue to incorporate Monica’s teachings into my daily life, and look forward to future sessions by her!

Brad D.

Monica Verplank is like a cross between Ghandi and Mother Theresa. Be prepared as she guides you with an abundance of practices and timeless wisdom techniques to a calmer, more balanced and peaceful self. She has so much depth and skill and each time I work with Monica I experience her grace and wisdom. I have made unparalleled shifts in my work with her. She exudes love and compassion and yet is also firm and powerful in helping me to uncover what stands in my own way. I am truly a better person and a more expanded individual because of my work with her. I deeply respect Monica and recommend her services highly. I consider her a true visionary and would say that she is a teacher’s teacher. She is simply one of the most qualified and professional people in this field.

Brenna S.

Monica Verplank is simply one of the best! She is highly professional, intelligent, sophisticated and deeply caring for those who are fortunate enough to work with her. Monica has studied with the masters in her field and is a leader herself. Her years in education make her an highly qualified and excellent translator of ancient wisdom techniques in the modern day world. She is a woman of integrity and truly practices what she preaches in her own life. Monica has helped many people understand the art and science of living a happier more productive life. She is one of those rare individuals whose skills, training and pure emotional intelligence allow her to work with a range of people including children and families to corporate executives. If you are looking to up level your life in any way and experience more peace and possibility, I highly recommend Monica Verplank as your guide.

Brenna S.